
Beware of Clarity Blockers (Stop Doing These Today)

💡 Highlights

Stop unconsciously feeding the Clarity Blockers. If you recognize and stop doing at least one of these, you already won.

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📝 Show Notes

It seems pretty obvious that Clarity = good, and Not Clarity = bad. However, how can we access clarity in a practical way?

Trying to answer this question, one possible approach to know how to access clarity, is by Via Negativa: an analysis of what you have to do to NOT access clarity. We are going to call these ways the Clarity Blockers.

Thinking in this way, these are the best methods to NOT invest in your clarity. If you think that Clarity is not the ultimate currency, do this and invest in your stagnation and lack of momentum.

The Anti-Clarity Tutorial (don’t do these)

Nurturing a Scarcity Mindset

Scarcity mindset refers to a mental state characterized by a belief that resources, opportunities and success are limited. You focus on what is lacking. This will lead you to feelings of deprivation, anxiety and a heightened sense of competition.

If you use your mind to focus towards those things that you don’t have, like money, fame, followers, clarity, enthusiasm, meaning, or insert desired object here, you will be skillfully walking the way to not cultivating any clarity at all. Never use gratitude, never use appreciation. Never recognize what you have here and now. Always focus on what you don’t have. It works.

Only listen to your fears

if you focus your attention on your fears and what they are saying to you, without listening to ANY other voices, you will fill your mind with how things may go wrong in the future, evoking a restricted and paralyzed version of yourself. This technique is extremely helpful to remain confused and completely trapped in inaction, without considering any possible positive outcome, strength or advantage you have.

Indulge in comfort

Distract yourself from the pursuit of moral excellence and personal growth by immersing yourself in the opulent bubble of instant gratification. Never ever follow the advice of rancid stoics, that did ugly stuff like sleeping on the floor, fasting and using minimal clothes.

If you want to continue stagnating, and not moving anywhere in your life, commit towards ephemeral pleasures and negate your inner truth. Do this, and you will escape greater fulfillment like a true social media influencer.

Cultivate Stuck Relationships

As Fritjof Capra pointed in his book “The Web Of Life”, we as human beings are systems connected to other systems. We are interconnected in ways we don’t recognize consciously in our daily basis.

A good way to not have clarity, is to have relationships with people who are unclear and are stuck in their lives. People who complain, people who are negative and are focused on their fears, closed-minded and with a fixed mindset, is an excellent way of keeping yourself trapped in this self-created cage of fogginess and self-pity.

Act as if you had infinite time

Adopting a mindset that perceives time as boundless, will bring you a good deal of procrastination, indecision, and a lack of urgency. This approach will lead you to a delay in making important decisions, setting goals, or taking proactive steps towards personal and professional growth.

Be Close-Minded

Shutting yourself to new perspectives, ideas, or possibilities is a perfect way to preserve your lack of clarity. You are where you are right now thanks to the set of ideas that you have nourished until this moment. Continue to think in this same way is a proved way to keep everything exactly as it is.

Overly rely on information and logic

Not tapping into your intuition, emotions and not even trying to have an holistic understanding of your context, is an excellent way to remain confused. Nothing better than to continue overthinking!

BE CAUTIOUS, if you use your logical mind in a way that is too deep and too meta, like trying to dissect and question your own beliefs in a logical fashion, you may get a bit of clarity. The key to stagnation and confusion, is to try to have all the answers before taking any action.

We have discussed exactly what you have to do if you want to remain in this shitty confused state. I hope this was useful for you!

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