
Choose Curiosity Over Fear (ft. Jiagual / Misha)

Spirituality In Art, How to Step Into The Unknown, Why Exploration Is Important, Challenges of being a Multi-Passionate Creative

📃 Description

A deep talk with multi-passionate entrepreneur Jiagual (Micha), visionary artist based in Berlin, diving into themes like: curiosity, spirituality, awakening, facing the unknown, realizing your vision, embracing exploration seasons, getting good at your craft, being multi-disciplinary and more. 

I have a few spots available for you to have a FREE 1-on-1 Clarity Session with me.

This is for you if you want to realize your creative vision in a fasterpredictable and supported way. I’ll help you gain clarity on your ultimate goals, your current challenges and their possible solutions.


5 Mindset Shifts for Clarity - Ebook Image

Stop Acting Confused!

Lack of Clarity is the #1 Reason Why Creative Entrepreneurs Fail to Craft a Passion-Centered Lifestyle

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