
Clarity Now! How To Unlock Ultimate Flow And Meaning

💡 Highlights

Learn what you should be doing if you want access clarity, and get out of the trap of a meaningless and empty life. Your future depends on this.

  • What is Clarity?
  • Navigating With Clarity
  • The Impact of Clarity and its Absence
  • Clarity as the Ultimate Currency
  • How to Get Clarity
    • Commitment
    • Action & Exploration
    • Self-Reflection
    • Anger
    • Letting Go
    • Organization
    • Reframing
    • Helping Others
  • Final Words

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📝 Show Notes

The way to unlock flow and deeper fulfillment to your life is through developing and nurturing clarity.

What is Clarity?

A mind-heart set where you feel certainty, trust and support from life itself. When in clarity, taking action seems psychologically easy, thanks to an uplifting enthusiasm and the belief that you are moving toward a desired ultimate purpose. Enthusiasm, rooted in Latin words meaning “inside” and “god,” is this emotion that happens when you expect good things for you in the future. When enthusiastic, you feel connected to your own truth—you are acting effortlessly, moving in tune with your own true flow.

Navigating with Clarity

When you feel clear on your thoughts, emotions and actions, you can navigate life with a heightened sense of intuition and certainty. Within this state, determining the next step becomes something easy, becasue you are driven by an updated understanding of your ultimate destination and momentum gained by moving forward.

Life offers you real-time positive feedback, fostering appreciation, and a sense of good luck, encouraging continuous progress and a profound feeling of centeredness.

The Impact of Clarity and Its Absence

Clarity acts as a compass, guiding actions and facilitating navigation through life. It’s based on big picture understanding that allows you to easily identify paths aligned with your unique interests and values.

On the other side, lacking clarity leads to confusion, worry, and a nagging sense of uncertainty, draining motivation. When lacking clarity, anxiety takes the main role, feeding itself from the fear of a potentially painful future.

Fear and anxiety are siblings, as they have the same root: thinking that there’s something in the future that may be painful in some way. The difference between fear and anxiety is that fear is an emotion, while anxiety is an emotional state. You can think of emotions as spikes, and emotional states as baseline feelings happening in the background.

In modern life, we aren’t exposed to the dramatic menace of a lion, tiger, or dinosaur. We live a moderately peaceful life with abundance of resources, so the threats we experience aren’t extreme and obvious. No, they are more subtle and hidden in our symbolic life, including:

  • Media
  • Work
  • Family
  • Neighbors

We experience threat when we see a reel about an upcoming crypto crash, or when we see news about corrupt politicians. Those threats remain lingering in our unconsciousness, and if not released, the may continue building themselves, snowballing into an episode of stress and anxiety.

Clarity as the Ultimate Currency

Clarity is the ultimate currency in your life. When having clarity, your quality of life upgrades automatically.

Clarity is the ultimate currency because it optimizes:

  • The accuracy of all your actions. Making all execution more effective, and satisfactory.
  • The speed of your decision-making. Helping you to recognizes opportunities and blunders right away.
  • The energy your need to take action. As you feel enthusiasm, strong will and momentum, everything is moving you in the obviously right direction.
  • The quality of your emotions, which are now in the field of confidence, enthusiasm and peace.
  • Your sense of abundance. The good emotions will make you feel less needy and more generous, creating a positive feedback loop in which you give more and receive more.

How to Get Clarity

1. Commitment

First step to get clarity, is to consciously declare that you lack clarity and that you want to find more of it. This initial commitment is key for you to engage your will and organism into this direction. Not having commitment to improve this situation is one of the reasons that you are still trapped inside it.

2. Action & Exploration

After you decide you want to get clarity, then you start to engage in activities that lead to it. How would it look from outside when you see someone looking for clarity? You may imagine a person walking, thinking out loud, trying new things, exploring, drawing maps, reading, researching. Do all of that. If you are lacking clarity right now, probably you are acting in a way that is generating that mindset. You need to act like someone who is actively looking for clarity and is about to find it.

3. Self-Reflection

Engage in self-reflection, trying to bring greater awareness to what is currently happening inside you. This can be realized by journaling, creating vision, anti-vision, mission statements, collection of values. Reflect on what’s acceptable for you in your life. Reflect on what things you don’t want to compromise anymore. Try to FEEL what’s happening inside you, and put names to the things happening inside. Be creative around this, use images, use music, use movies. This has a solution, you only need to bring all your resources to actively look for it, with FIRE, with decision. If you are here, it’s because you are smart. You are a creator. Don’t limit yourself to passive activities like listening to a podcast. Do actual investigation for yourself. Invent your way out of this.

4. Anger

Rollo May, a recognized existentialist and psychologist, in the book Freedom and Destiny recognized anger as path to freedom.

Anger has been used countless times as a way to generate clarity and action. Beethoven did this when he realized he was getting deaf just in his prime. He said:

“I will seize fate by the throat; it shall not wholly overcome me. Oh, it is so beautiful to live — to live a thousand times!“ — Ludwig Van Beethoven

After saying this, he composed the Fifth Symphony. That is massive commitment, massive clarity and massive action.

Get angry like Beethoven. He was getting deaf on his mid-thirties, at his prime… Imagine that, Beethoven was fucking angry. He didn’t accept, in a sense, what was happening to him. In a sense he was accepting it, because he had to look at it in the eyes, without distraction… but in another sense, he didn’t let this situation to diminish his sense of agency. He promised to himself to overcome his own fate.

You should do the same at this injustice of not having clarity and feeling stuck. You have lots of talents, there are lot of people who are WAY MORE dumber than you, but somehow are having better results in their life, more clarity and fulfillment.

Get ANGRY at this. Ask yourself WHY? Why is this happening?

Anger is an excellent resource of energy when used with purpose. Try to invoke it, and use it towards creating action and momentum. Promise to yourself that you are going to change this, and take massive action to generate clarity right now. Be like Beethoven.

5. Letting Go

Sometimes the most efficient path to clarity is letting go. Letting go of your own resistance to what you already know it’s true. Sometimes it’s not matter of pushing forward with energy, but it’s a matter of recognizing that which is already there. That passion you have. That love. That truth. You need to stop resisting that which is super obvious to you, but somehow you manage to block out of your daily consciousness.

6. Organization

Through organization, you can get a better sense of where you are. If you are not organized, if your room is a mess… then follow Jordan Peterson’s advice: start from your room. It’s bizarre to try to change your whole life, when you aren’t even able to put your stuff in order. When decluttering your room and your home, you will also declutter your mind.

Organization leads to Awareness, and Awareness leads to Clarity. Embrace organization and structure as a way to help yourself to easily recognize where things are, what’s happening and then decide what’s the best way to go.

7. Reframing

A very cool shortcut to achieve clarity, is by the psychotechnology of reframing. Reframing means, changing the frame of something, as you supposed, but in this case, is changing the frame of your reality.

What if you are not lacking clarity?

What if you already have clarity, but you think you don’t?

Reframing is very powerful, although to be able to pull this off, you need to be open-minded, playful and at the same time focused. Play around with this idea. Maybe it’s not that you lack clarity…:

  • Maybe you are just afraid.
  • Maybe you just need to relax.
  • Maybe you just need a nap.

Who knows?…

8. Helping others

Indeed, helping others is an excellent way to improve clarity. Helping others triggers a mechanism inside your psyche in which you feel socially rewarded. It’s a positive feedback loop.

All clarity has, in one way or another, the social component to it. It’s easier to feel flow and motivation in your life, when you feel support from your social environment, and this is achieved when you help others, and others want you to continue doing it. Contemplate on this, and see how can you add this factor to your own Clarity formula to make it even more solid. How can being of service take you to a more motivated, positive and growth-oriented space? This is also the path of Clarity for all business and service providers, and the reason behind why vision and mission statements are so popular in the corporate world (even though 99% of the time aren’t applied in real life).

Final Words

I cannot stop over-emphasizing this. Even after everything that has been said here… the best way to raise your clarity is by taking action.

You will never figure this out completely by thinking. Eventually you will need to take Creative Action now and learn during the process. Start with baby steps. There’s no other way but to embrace this requirement and start as soon as possible. You will never regret it.

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